"Readin' up"
So, someone (was it you, Ozzie?) referred to redin' up one's room in the comments section of my last entry. "To red up" or "read up" is something I grew up saying in my family (thanks to my mom). It means "to pick up" or "clean up" but unfortunately, 99.999% of the American population has no idea what it means, and so I have had to train myself not to say it anymore. It takes effort. Apparently, it is a colloquialism (sp?) originating somewhere in central Pennsylvania (thank you Wendi for any comments you care to share about PA) and most likely this origin is Pennsylvania Dutch, although I'm not sure. If you do a google search, and I have, there is one other entry for "red up." http://www.phrases.org.uk/bulletin_board/43/messages/709.html
And they are dead on when it comes to the use I'm familiar with: "Okay kids, it's time to read up your room." My mom is always readin' up something. She'll say, "Your room needs read up!" Note the conspicuous lack of "to be" in the above sentence, not that I really need to point that out. Yes, people, I'm a hick. Surprise, I'm from Hagerstown.
So, if you have ever in your life heard this expression (besides your contact with me), please let me know! I would love to know more about where it comes from.
And they are dead on when it comes to the use I'm familiar with: "Okay kids, it's time to read up your room." My mom is always readin' up something. She'll say, "Your room needs read up!" Note the conspicuous lack of "to be" in the above sentence, not that I really need to point that out. Yes, people, I'm a hick. Surprise, I'm from Hagerstown.
So, if you have ever in your life heard this expression (besides your contact with me), please let me know! I would love to know more about where it comes from.
At 9:19 AM,
Dan said…
Yeah, who was that anonymous commenter?
Anyway, shouldn't it be spelled "red" as in "reddin'" or "red up"? Although, if you include the a, then it seems to be short of ready, which maybe explains the origin. "Ready your room" or "Ready the kitchen, company's coming, so they are!" makes sense, not that anyone really says that.
Crazy backwards hicks! Oh, wait, I'm from Fredrick...talk about some effed up shit. I mean, people in your hood might have pronounced things funny, but at least they didn't all huff aerosol cans and shoot dogs and burn their own trash in the back yard.
At 1:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
yeah, i think jims whole central/western hick family uses it. they say all sorts of things that make me laugh. my favorite is the way they pronounce "purple". they say, "perm-pole" (like i got a perm, and look at that pole).
"i like her shirt, perm-pole is a good color on her"
At 2:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
i haven't heard that one. but, contrary to popular belief, the mail DOES run...
At 2:55 PM,
Dan said…
Yes, and one certainly can "turn over" the laundry, if the wets need to go to the dryer.
But perm-pole is just plain wrong. How is that a colloquialism? I mean, there's no M anywhere in sight. Right?
At 9:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
but jim always spouts off that no dialect is inferior. fine, not inferior, just worse.
Like when i was there over thanksgiving it snowed. They were worried about the roads because of the slush. but they dont say slush, they say "sly-shhh" like, "sly" followed by "ssshhh" (like what you'd say in the movies if some jerk was on his phone).
So say this sentence and tell me its not inferior. "I'm puzzled what is that slush purple?"
my point exactly.
aaron, i heard theres a bachelorette party to be had soon? (not yours)
At 4:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
I asked you to read/red'up. And how relevant that this conversation about language is taking place! Today, my coworker called out to me and I responded with "Yo?" As in, "Yes, how can I help you?" Apparently, this was the wrong response because her 9 year old son, who's been at work all week, said, "Ooohhhh my Mom does NOT LIKE it when you use the word YO!" She followed by not so politely demanding I refrain from responding to her in that fashion. O SNAP!
At 8:09 PM,
Dan said…
Yikes! Em-barassiiiing...
Hi, Kathy! How the hell are you? How is your back? Where on GODS GREEN EARTH did you go? Oh, yeah, B'more. How is it? When are you coming to DC?
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