Introduction to Huh?
Today, I discovered that graduate courses with the title words "Introduction to..." aren't. For three hours tonight, I sat at a conference table completely baffled by discussions of Lacanian discourse, signifiers and signifieds, the Phallus (but not the kind I'm familiar with), lack, desire, the Symbolic, the Real (which isn't really), the Imaginary, and the like. Completely over my head. It became apparent for whom in the class this was an "introduction to" and for whom it was "advanced." The "advanceds" won and the intro to's stayed pretty silent. I was quiet, except for an occasional, "I don't what if you're like blind, and can't see the you, like, never enter into the Symbolic Order...and what the eff is the symbolic order, anyway?" There were a couple of occasions when I must have laughed or smiled at how strange everything sounded to my virgin ears because the professor asked me if I had something to add. I hate those moments. I tried to think of something in a few seconds of awkward silence, but couldn't. Oh well. I thought about how weird it is to be back in school and feel almost like I've never been before. It's a great class, though. No, it is. That wasn't sarcasm. Everyone always thinks I'm being sarcastic, but I'm not. No, really.
I feel very far away out here in Davis, CA. Sometimes I try to imagine what's going on with all of my friends at a particular moment. My mind's eye darts from the halls of whitman-walker over to ontario rd, down to an office I've never been to in Virginia, back up to Adam's Morgan, up to Frederick, or wherever else you people spend time. That's all. No punch line. Just a thought.
I'm very fractured tonight. Not even sure if I should post this one, because it seems like I really have a bunch of nothing to say...but you're the one reading it, not me! If I were you, I would have abandonned this blog a long time ago.
well, there it is. Maybe next time.
I feel very far away out here in Davis, CA. Sometimes I try to imagine what's going on with all of my friends at a particular moment. My mind's eye darts from the halls of whitman-walker over to ontario rd, down to an office I've never been to in Virginia, back up to Adam's Morgan, up to Frederick, or wherever else you people spend time. That's all. No punch line. Just a thought.
I'm very fractured tonight. Not even sure if I should post this one, because it seems like I really have a bunch of nothing to say...but you're the one reading it, not me! If I were you, I would have abandonned this blog a long time ago.
well, there it is. Maybe next time.
At 9:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Aaron, what kind of social psychology program are you in? i crack myself up sometimes.
Aaron, my mind wondered like yours. Aaron, the other day i was driving through near the convention center and as i sat at a stop light i thought to myself, "i wonder if this is where aaron got mugged", the light turned green and I went back to my original thoughts, what to eat for dinner.
At 10:07 AM,
Dan said…
This blog shall never be abandoned by us so long as it’s not by you, so don’t worry.
Yikes...I guess it doesn't surprise me that a Grad-level "intro" course moves pretty fast. It sucks to sit there feeling like "uhh...what?" while an elite group & the professor have their own productive discussion.
That said, don't worry, Lacan is really tough, even for someone who has been intro-ed more than once. A lot of this isn't as new to you as you think. You're familiar with a radical concept of subjecthood and identity formation, and working within the Psychoanalytic realm can be refreshing, as it is sometimes a bit more "practical," believe-it-or-not, than straight-up philosophy, although the concepts can, and do, overlap.
Use your own sense of fractured-ness and feelings of isolation to help you get at the core of Lacanian identity-formation. Why, there you are, standing between a broken mirror and a blind person, visualizing a map over which you float, spatially removed, observing a place wherein you once felt grounded in your own sense of self. In your abstracted point of view, you can locate all of the points which formed the context of your own self-identity, and yet that self is now absent. That you find your “self” in a classroom, silent in the face of language that is unintelligible to you (but not to all those around you), further reveals the falsity of the assumption that one can “fully exist” in any situation.
This revelation destabilizes any notion of your self as every really existing: you have, you realize, exchanged one illusion for another, in moving to California. You see a broken mirror, filled with slivers that construct various versions of your “self”; you see, reflected in the background, a blind person, who cannot see you – the only other person in the room to whom you, visually, do not exist; and as your “minds eye” wanders away from your “self,” it constructs a map of a place in which you no longer find yourself. Your own absence is repeated in the false unity of your “self” which, you realize, was always an illusion. You will continue to construct this illusion of a whole, unified self so that you can continue to exist in the world. However, that temporary break, causing you a sense of loss and confusion, is helpful in what it illuminates about what identity and being is – and is not.
See, now wasn’t that fun?
Now, about that phallus, aka your dad, where does one begin? For starters…Aaron? Aaron, get back in here!…what are you doing on the window ledge! It’s cold out there!
At 11:14 AM,
Aaron said…
I love you people!
Can I move home, now?
At 3:39 PM,
Dan said…
No! Sit! Staaaay...sta, no! Sit! Aaron! Sit! Stay! Staaaay... Good boy! Pat pat pat...oh my...patpatpatpat...someone's excited!
At 9:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
ok, so ive had 2 margaritas and 2 glasses of wine (which puts me 2 drinks above my two "beer" queer, or is it two drink twink? quotient), but here's where im having trouble. I don't know what you are talking about dan, which in itself is not a problem, i dont know a lot of things, like how a car engine works.
despite my previous comments though, aaron i am intrigued as to what exactly your program is all about. It in NO WAY sounds like a traditional old school social psych program, and would love to hear its approach/perspective (even if i dont fully get it)
At 11:54 PM,
Aaron said…
No, really, it's just a traditional ol' social psych program. I just happen to be torturing myself by taking a class in Critical Theory. They have what is called a "designated emphasis" in critical theory at Davis, but I think it's probably pretty unusual to be doing it as a psych student. Most people who participate are in english or philosophy. Anyway, not even sure if I will complete it, but I thought it sounded interesting!
Beside, if I talked anymore about stats on this blog, people might start getting upset. And we don't want that, do we?
At 10:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
well right now i see its me and dan, and i think its only fair. I don't know what a Lacanian identity-formation is, and i tried googling it and all i got was porno-sites. But boy oh boy can I talk your ass off about type I error, ANOVA's, and multiple regression. Yowsa im getting excited just thinking about it.
At 10:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
After processing all comments, this is what I heard...Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Granted, I don't have an advanced degree. I'm not working on an advanced degree. I've never taken psych. But I do miss aaron! Someone wake me up when its time to talk about cookies and gay porn!
At 10:51 AM,
Dan said…
True, Aaron, you haven't really talked enough about stats on this blog. I'm into hearing that shizz, even if I don't have a clue what type I errors, ANOVA's, and multiple regression are. But, listen, cookies and gay porn are always good, too. Especially if you post pictures. Of the porn. ...Or the cookies, I guess. (If by cookies you mean porn.)
PS, Laurie, how'd you get through St. Mary's w/out ever taking Psychology? Don't tell me you missed out on that key moment, coming into adulthood, where you self-diagnose every major psychological disorder you read about in your Psych 101 textbook?
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